Friday 30 September 2011

Pitch Preparation - Feedback

After presenting our pitch to our fellow classmates we had some positive feedback and constructive criticism. Some good points are as follows:
  •  they liked the idea of the colour scheme, and including black and white
  • we had a clear view of our initial ideas and what we wanted to include
  • we had a good audience review, as we included at the bottom of the presentation why the audience would enjoy our music video
  • we're already thinking about the lyrics and how we can link them to the visuals, such as the flash boards with lyrics on
  • we had a good idea of mise-en-scene and editing techniques including black and white, and slow motion
Constructive criticism included:
  • we need to think about continuity within our location choices
  • we also need to consider transitions
  • we need to use the correct terminology such as 'direct address' - when someone is talking to the camera
  • and we also need to consider risk assessment when on location

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