This is a magazine advert for Gwen Stefani’s album ‘Love. Angel. Music. Baby.’ This artist and album comes under the same genre of music as our chosen song and music video - Pop Rock. The artist’s name features in big letters in the centre of the advert under a picture of her. Under her name is the album’s name ‘Love. Angel. Music. Baby.’ At the bottom of the poster it states that the album is “in stores now” which tells the audience that the album is currently available for purchase. The poster also includes information on featuring songs that include ‘What You Waiting For?’ and ‘Rich Girl’ featuring Eve. It’s hard to tell from the image of the advert whether it states what form of release the album is available in. At the very bottom of the advert we can see Gwen Stefani’s official website ‘’. This advertises her website which will allow fans to access more information on the artist. Above the website address is details on the production crew who worked on the album. This again gives more information on the album that is being advertised.
The main image we can see on the advert is a distorted photo of Gwen Stefani. The image is slightly blurred. This image instantly tells the audience that that advert is advertising her. Underneath her picture is her name and album title. This then explains what the advert is advertising. In the bottom left corner of the advertisement we can see an image of the album that is being advertised. We can see that the main image on the advert is similar to the image on the album cover. This keeps the theme the same. The colours of the advert seem to be quite luxurious and royal with the golds, reds and silvers. Gwen Stefani also appears to be posing on a thrown and with a crown in her hand. This again ties in with the royal theme. One of her songs that features on the advert is entitled ‘Rich Girl’ which again fits in with the idea of money, royalty and luxury. This theme also ties in with Gwen Stefani’s style represented in her songs, photos and music videos.
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