Thursday, 3 November 2011

Part 1 In Editing The Music Video

The first time we sat down to edit and create our music video we experienced several problems, one major problem being that we couldn't get the track onto the sequence! When we got the track on to the timeline, we then began to edit. We had to produce a rough cut of the first 30 seconds of our music video. We added a guitar scene at the beginning of the video and the music was purely instrumental. We then added the shot of an eye blinking for the lyric "I keep thinking about that little sparkle in your eye" to match the visuals. As time went on, we became more comfortable with using Final Cut and cropping the parts of shots we wanted to use. We weren't entirely happy with the beginning but we were running out of time to produce a rough cut.

This is when we decided to produce a very rough cut which would give the audience a quick 14 seconds view of our music video. This then would tell us what we thought needed any improvement before we edited anymore of our footage for the music video.

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