Monday, 3 October 2011

DigiPak Conventions Analysis

I am going to look at two DigiPaks from two different genres of music and discuss the conventions. The two genres I will be looking at is Pop and Rock.

The Pop DigiPak I will be looking at is The Saturdays - Headlines! album. The Saturdays album cover includes a picture of the band with the name of the band in neon lights above the picture. These features are common within the Pop genre. The name of the album 'Headlines!' is shown on the band's magazine covers. The album cover is also very colourful and eye catching which is also a common element found in Pop DigiPaks.

The track list appears on the back cover of the CD case, where it is commonly found on most CDs. The songs are listed in a white font on a blue background. This matches the rest of the CD case and booklet. The barcode also appears on the back of the album as well as The Saturdays official website. On the back of the case it also states in small print that if you insert the CD into a computer's CD-ROM drive you can access exclusive bonus content.

The DigiPak is just a basic plastic case which includes the CD and booklet. The booklet includes messages from each band member and information on each of the songs on the album including who wrote the song, who its produce by and who published it.

The inside booklet is again very colourful and includes pictures of the band members. The colourful layout is a common convention found in Pop albums. The images of the band are in black and white, with a colourful, bright background. This helps the images to stand out as they are contrasting with the background.

The second DigiPak I'm going to look at is for the album 'No Line On The Horizon' by U2. This is an album under the genre of Rock.

The album cover is very plain and features the album logo in the centre of the cover. The band's name and name of the album, as well as a featuring song, can be seen on a sticker in the corner of the cover. The cover isn't as eye catching as The Saturdays album as it isn't colourful and bright. However, a more colourful artwork wouldn't fit in with their genre of Rock.

Like the Saturday's DigiPak, the track list is shown on the back of the case. However, the majority of U2's back cover is taken up by a picture of the band and then the tracks are listed in smaller print at the bottom. Is this a reverse of The Saturday's album as theirs shows an image of the band on the front of the album. Also on the back of U2's DigiPak for 'No Line On The Horizon' is the barcode, record label information and the band's offical website up the side.

This DigiPak is also a basic plastic case which includes a booklet which features photos, lyrics and track information such as who wrote and produced the songs. The booklet is also all in black and white which keeps the theme going as the front and back of the case are black and white. Similarly to The Saturdays - Headlines! DigiPak, the images of the band are also in black and white. Although there are no other colours included in U2's DigiPak.

Overall, these two DigiPaks are very different due to the genres of music. The main difference being the colour schemes as U2's album is all black and white, where as The Saturday's is mainly bright and colourful because of their Pop genre.

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