Monday, 17 October 2011

Intial :- Special Effects

The special effects that we wanted to use were the fade in fade out so our transactions in the music video ended up being smooth and eye catching to catch the audiences reaction. We also wanted special effects for the ending of our music video; the idea initially was for the rose petals to blend in with the guitar when the music video would come to an end.

Above were the two main special effects that we may tend to use. Our reasoning behind this is that because of the song being about heartbreaking we wanted to show quick but memorable flashbacks that would keep the audience enticed for watching more and wanting more.

We believe that in order to make the above ideas work we need to actually get the right shots and camera angles of the small things because that is what the special effects will be used upon. This then gives the music video a complete satisfying ending which a satisfies the audience.

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